The skill of putting language to what you are observing.
What is describe?
The T in TIPP stands for _________.
What is "Temperature"?
When I have the urge to reject something (doing the dishes, apologizing) this skill(s) help to shift how I feel inside my body - making me feel more calm and willing to move towards what I'm rejecting.
What is half smile and willing hands?
___________ mind is hot, mood-dependent, roled by my feelings and urges to do things.
What is Emotion mind?
True or false, I should problem solve right after completing a TIPP skill?
False. I'll likely only be at an 8/10. I need to get down to around a 5 to be in a part of my brain that can problem solve.
The skill of withholding evaluation from your self-talk?
What is Non-Judgmental?
If I'm getting a massage or taking a bubble bath, I am likely using this distress tolerance skill.
What is "Self-Soothe with my five senses"?
When I have an intense urge and am at a high level of distress tolerance (10/10) so I'm more likely to act on it, I should use this skill first and immediately.
What is S.T.O.P.?
_________ mind is cool, rational, task-focused. I am ruled by facts, logic, and pragmatics.
What is Reasonable Mind?
What is wise mind?
The synthesis of doing mind and being mind.
What is Wise Mind?
If I have a meeting with my boss an am really nervous, I practice _________ beforehand by imagining accepting my thoughts only as sensations of the brain. I then rehearse in my mind what I would do if I did not view my thoughts as facts. Then I love my thoughts as they go through my mind.
What is "Mindfulness of thoughts"?
____________ mind is discriminating, ambitious, and goal-oriented. I view my thoughts as facts about the world.
What is Doing Mind?
I can use this skill if I'm not radically accepting something and have a problem to solve: _____.
This will usually help me determine what the threat is...
What is pros/cons?
If "participate" is the skill of being in the moment doing one thing physically, this is the skill of being in the moment mentally.
What is One-mindfully?
What I practice over and over if I'm not accepting something and I want to choose radical acceptance.
What is "turning the mind"?
When I have an urge to engage in a target behavior and have already used a skill but it didn't work, I should do this next: ______________.
What is "phone coaching" or call my therapist?
______ mind is curious, nothing-to-do mind, present-oriented. In this mind I view my thoughts just as sensations of the mind. I let go of focusing on goals.
What is Being Mind?
True/false: Thinking through a problem is the best approach for when I'm distressed.
False. I need to get out of my brain and into my body! What sensations do I feel? What emotions am I having? I calm down the body (TIPP, self-soothe), then I calm down the mind.
I can either be right, or I can be _____.
What is "effective"?
Name ONE skill from the acronym ACCEPTS.
What is: activities, contributing, comparisons, emotions, pushing away, thoughts, sensations?
When we don't act on our urges, we are likely to feel:
What is.... guilty, proud, embarrassed, excited
This is a trick question... it's a mix. Part of us might feel bad for not acting on the urge (ex: fixing thing for my mom makes me feel better), but also proud of ourselves for following through! Any emotion is correct.
Wise mind is the ____________ of doing mind and being mind. It is the ____________ of emotion mind and rational mind.
What is "synthesis"?
Daily Double!!
True/false: Brooke and Liz have the same middle name.
Say our middle names on the count of three.