Who is the babylonian who ranofer thinks steals with Gebu?
Who is Ibni?
Yes or no?
Did ranofer find the golden goblet near the courtyard?
What is yes?
What are the names of the two villains who ranofer follows into the tomb?
Who are Gebu and Wenamon?
Who else meets with Ranofer and Heqet?
Who is the ancient?
Who owns the gold shop?
Who is Rekh?
What scares Ranofer when Gebu leaves the courtyard at night?
What is the screeching sound.
What is Gebu's Job?
What is a master stonecutter?
When do the friends meet?
When is the midday break?
Who is Ranofers friend?
Who is Heqet?
What did Ranofer sleep on?
What is a mat?
Who does heqet follow?
Who is Wenamon.
What is the ancients house made out of?
What is bricks?
Where did gebu hide the golden goblet?
Where is the scroll room in the back?
What is the street that the courtyard is on called?
What is the street of the dog?
What is Wenamon's job?
What is a mason?
Where do the friends meet?
Where is the papyrus Marsh/thicket?
What was on the necklace that Zau made for queen Tiy?
What is golden bees?
What tree does Ranofer sleep under.
What is the acacia tree?
Who is Gebu's friend that gets in fight with gebu and doesn't go into the tomb?
Who is setma?
What root do the friend eat sometimes?
What is a lotus root?