The names of three of the five AVID teachers in the school
Lamp, Copeland, Brown, Heath, Korotkow
Name of our principal
Chris Choat
What city is Woodrow Wilson High School in?
What actor starred in the movie "Forrest Gump"?
Tom Hanks
What was the most watched TV show of all time?
Apollo 11 moon landing
AVID stands for?
Advancement via Individual Determination
What year did Texas become a state?
Who is the best player in the NBA?
Lebron James
What fruit contains the most potassium?
What is the most common AVID assignment?
What time does each lunch start?
A lunch- 11:05
B lunch- 11:50
C lunch- 12:40
What music artist has the highest net worth?
Jay Z
What is the third planet from the Sun?
The AVID Summer Institute takes place in what cities?
Dallas and San Diego
What is the name of the sophomore science class?
What is the most popular food in Texas?
What music artist dates Travis Kelce?
Taylor Swift
What was the number one rap song in 2010?
Love the way you lie by Eminem?
How many community service hours do you need by the time you graduate?
What is the breed of Mrs. Brown's dog?
What city is the largest city population in Texas?
What year did Eminem win his first grammy?
What is Coach Lamp's middle name?
Don't Worry About It