These space rocks can be as small as a pebble or hundreds of miles wide
This tool helps people see things in outer space
A person who is trained to travel in space
an astronaut
The base (or root) word of learning
When the moon blocks the sun's light
solar eclipse
This is a huge group of stars; our solar system is part of the Milky Way
A building with a giant ceiling where you can see stars and planets
A person who studies things in nature and explains how they happen
a scientist
The base word of exploding
A feeling of satisfaction for something you've done well
A giant star that explodes
a supernova
This part of a telescope helps you to see an object more closely
The force that pulls things to the ground
The base word of bigger
A place to see stars and planets on the ceiling of a building
a planetarium
This is a celestial body that orbits a star, like Earth
This is a place to go where you can look at stars and planets
outer space
To travel through a place to learn about it
Combining words to make new words (from our Readtopia book)
word builder
A very large hole or depression
a crater
A large cloud of dust and gas where stars are born
These devices make faraway objects seem closer
A way to explain why or how something happens, often tested with an experiment
a theory
Using parts of words to figure out a word
slice and dice
The act of moving your body to music