1.1-1.2 simple present 🟰🐝
1.3-1.4 present continuous🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️
1.5-6 future🔮
1.7 simple past📜

Complete the sentence in simple present:

There __ 3 main languages in my country.

There are 3 main languages in my country.


Complete the sentence in present continuous with the verb ask:

Timothy ___ the clerk a question in Farsi.

Timothy is asking the clerk a question in Farsi.


Complete the sentence in future (will) with the verb change:

English _____ faster in the future because of the Internet.

English will change faster in the future because of the Internet.


Complete the sentence in simple past with the verb learn:

Washoe __ 350 signs.

Washoe learned 350 signs.


Which one is correct, and why?

A Timothy doesn't afraid to learn something new.

B Timothy isn't afraid to learn something new.

Timothy isn't afraid to learn something new.

isn't = is not 

We only use do/doesn't/don't with other verbs, not as a substitute for be


Which one is correct, and why?

A Timothy is studying Tigrinya this month. 

B Timothy studying Tigrinya this month.

A Timothy is studying Tigrinya this month. 

In Standard English, we use the form of be for the subject and the -ing form of the verb.


Complete the sentence in future (be going to) with the verb study:

Timothy ______ Arabic next.

Timothy is going to study Arabic next.


Which one is correct, and why?

A Washoe didn't like other chimps at first.

B Washoe didn't liked other chimps at first.

A Washoe didn't like other chimps at first.

B Washoe didn't liked other chimps at first.

We use the base form after did or didn't


Which one is correct, and why?

A If you don't practice your first language, you will forget it.

B If you won't practice your first language, you will forget it.

A If you don't practice your first language, you will forget it.

We use simple present in a time clause or if clause about the future.


Which one is correct, and why?

A Our class has more students than the class next door.

B Our class is having more students than the class next door.

A Our class has more students than the class next door.

We don't usually use present continuous with nonaction verbs.


Which one is correct, and why?

A The linguist going to interview native speakers.

B The linguist is going to interview native speakers.

B The linguist is going to interview native speakers.

We use be + going to + base form for this tense.


Which one is correct, and why?

A Why Washoe's adoptive parents didn't introduce her to other chimps sooner?

B Why didn't Washoe's adoptive parents introduce her to other chimps sooner?

B Why didn't Washoe's adoptive parents introduce her to other chimps sooner?

In a question, we put did/didn't/was/wasn't before the subject and after the wh-word (if there is one)


Ask a question using these words in simple present:

you, be, my, neighbor

Are you my neighbor?


Ask a question using these words in present continuous:

they, what, speak, language

What language are they speaking?


Ask a question using these words in future be going to:

a class at BCC, your cousin, take

Is your cousin going to take a class at BCC?


Ask a question using these words in simple past:

Washoe, meet, where, other chimps

Where did Washoe meet other chimps?