What is the Royal Proclamation sometimes referred to?
The first "Indigenous Bill of Rights"
This illegal land purchase paved the way for the settlement and development of the area we know as Toronto (Tkoronto)
The Toronto Purchase
Canada's nationhood is based off of these agreements
In what year was the Indian Act passed into law?
This was the name given to treaties signed during Canada's expansion west.
The Number Treaties
This piece of legislation exists today to:
1. Divide people into categories
2. Control all aspects of life
3. Attempt cultural genocide (Palmater, 2014)
The Indian Act
In 1784, this tract of land that encompasses Kitchener, Cambridge, and Waterloo was granted to the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
Hint: "6-miles from both banks of the Grand River"
The Haldimand Tract
This is the name of the national wampum belt for the Haudenosaunee Confederation
Hiawatha Wampum Belt
This concept relates to the inherent right of Indigenous peoples to self-govern and exercise control over their lands, resources, cultures, laws, and political systems. It is based on the understanding that Indigenous nations existed long before colonial governments and continue to assert their autonomy despite ongoing colonial structures.
Indigenous Sovereignty
This act of parliament was passed BEFORE the confederation of Canada and intended to assimilate Indigenous Peoples into Euro-Canadian Society.
The Gradual Civilization Act
What is the term used to describe territory not appropriated through the treaty process.
This disease was often caused by the wearing of beaver pelt hats for an extended period of time.
Mad Hatter Disease
This Wampum Belt (Treaty) was presented to a number of Indigenous Nations by the British in the 1700s.
The Treaty of Niagara
This was the first agreement signed between Indigenous Nations and the Crown. It was signed out East and is still recognized today.
The piece of Canadian legislation gives reparations for land seizures and gives the framework for Indigenous Communities to commit to Land Claims.
The Indian Act, 1876