When a person states their needs and wants clearly, appropriately, and respectfully
Assertive communication
We are ALWAYS late to school. It really makes me mad!
"I feel frustrated when I show up late to school every day."
Someone cuts in front of you in line at the store.
Show an assertive response
"Excuse me, but I was here first"
You are working on a group project. Both you and another group member have ideas that might be valuable to the group.
Assertive - It's most appropriate to speak up and share your ideas in a respectful way
When someone speaks in a loud & demanding voice, interrupts frequently, and criticizes, blames, or attack others.
Aggressive communication
"You always pick the worst movies to watch!"
Let's choose a movie we would both enjoy watching tonight"
One of your classmate at lunch is making inappropriate jokes that are hurtful to you and others.
Show an assertive response.
"I feel upset that you are making comments about me" You need to stop"
You and a friend are having a disagreement about a game you're playing.
Assertive - It's most appropriate to talk it out respectfully
Your friend is failing Math and there is a very important test coming up. Your friend asks to cheat off of you and you agree even though you are uncomfortable doing so. What communication style is this?
Passive Communication
"You NEVER let me go to my friend's house!"
"I haven't seen my friend in a long time and I miss her. Is there a good time for her to come over to our house or for me to go to her house?"
Your little brother wants to play with you and won't leave you alone when all you want to do is read your book.
Show an assertive response.
I know you want to play right now, but I am busy reading my book. I can play with you later before dinner.
You are in a store or another public place and notice that someone has been following you for the past 30 minutes. The stranger grabs your arm..
Aggressive - It is appropriate to tell them to leave you alone in a strong, forceful way.Saying it loudly will let others around you know that you might need help. Being passive is dangerous in this situation.
True or false: Communicating frequently in a passive manner can lower one's confidence and self-esteem.
To your teacher, "You only gave me a failing grade because you hate me!"
"Can we talk about my report card grade? I want to understand why I did so poorly and what I can do to improve my grade."
Someone takes your things off your desk without asking.
Show an aggressive response.
A classmate has said something hurtful to you on purpose.
What style should you use to talk to that classmate?
What style should you use to tell an adult?
If you talk to the classmate, you should communicate assertively or potentially aggressively to communicate that they need to leave you alone. If you are talking to a teacher, you should also communicate assertively.