Cheese with maggots
What is durian
A fruit from Southeast Asia
If you are very allergic to gluten, what is that called
Celiac disease
what is the English term for piskefløde
heavy cream
What is the fermented kale you can get in germany
What is fugu
a pufferfish that you can die from
If you can't consume the protein from milk, what is that called
Milk allergy
what is the English term for salvie
What is Balut egg
17-19 day old duck embryo in an egg
Which alcohol can you make from rice?
what can you eat if you are lacto-ovo-vegetarian
milkproducts, eggs and vegetables
what is the English term for ris a la mande
rice pudding
What is virgin boy eggs
Eggs boiled for 3 hours in virgin boy pee (not older than 10 years)
What is a Rambutan
An exotic fruit from Malaysia
If you are a Jew what is your dietary preference called?
what is the English term for lange (fisk)
What is ttongsul
Baby feces rice wine
What type of spores are used for making koji
If you have sorbitol intolerance, what can you not eat?
sugar alcohol which is found naturally in many fruits and berries, e.g. e.g. apples, pears, peaches and prunes. It can be made by reducing glucose and is often made from corn syrup.
what is the English term for skorzonerod