long a love
I love
I love u
Heart Words

this is the number of syllables in the word Valentine

what 3


The first syllable in the word nature is this type

what is an open syllable


this one letter word is ONLY a word when spelled with the capital letter

What is I


these are the two sounds that long u can make

what is yu and oo


on valentine's day  we celebrate with these people

what is friends


this is a closed syllable in the word Valentine

what is val or en


this is the vowel team most often used to spell long a at the end of a word

what is ay


at the end of a one syllable word we usually spell the long i sound with this letter

what is y


this vowel team contains no u, but makes the long u sound in words like the opposite of rough or what you see in the night sky.

what is oo in smooth and moon


last year you were in this grade

what is first

This is the last type of syllable in the word Valentine

what is silent e syllable


this is a the spelling of long a in the word that names a slithery pet.

what is silent e in the word snake


this is the spelling for the word that names stuff you make or buy that is slippery and gooey

What is slime


this is the most common way to spell long u at the end of a word

What is ew


this heart word sounds like /h/ in the front but is actually a wh word

what is who?


This is the special name for a noun like Valentine

What is a proper noun


this is the long a spelling for the words in the homophone pair that mean when you get a good deal at the store and the cloth part on this kind of boat

what is sale and sail


this long i spelling pattern has three letters and can be found in a whole family of words that rhyme with kite but are not spelled like kite.

what is igh


this long u vowel team can actually make the /oo/ sound and the diphthong sound /ow/

what is ou as in trout and soup


this heart word has a homophone partner that means the opposite of left?

what is right and write


This is a four letter word that you can build using letters from the word Valentine

what is line, nail, lean, teen, late


in the heart word "th__" we spell long a this uncommon way.

What is ey


this homograph pair is spelled exactly the same, but one has a short i and one has a long i.  It can mean something like crank, and it blows outside.

what is wind and wind


this heart word that starts with "us" has the /yu/ sound spelled with a vce pattern.

What is use


this homophone triplet group has three spellings and three meanings.  One means it belongs to them, one means to go over _______, and the last one is a contraction for they are.

What is their, there, and they're?