Born in the 1100s, Temujin gathered the peoples of Mongolia into a great Horde that conquered most of Asia and threatened Eastern Europe as well as the Middle East, gaining him the nickname ‘Great Leader’.
Who is Ghengis Khan?
It was in this year of Our Lord, that the East India Company was endorsed by Queen Elizabeth I during the break up of the Spanish Armada and the rise of British dominance in the Atlantic.
What is 1600?
‘Mughal’, meaning this, is the word used for themselves by those Central Asian Turks who spoke an Indo-Persian language.
What is ‘Mongol’?
This biblical king is often depicted as holding the head of a dead giant aloft.
Who is King David?
Famous leader of the Turkish-Mongolian tribes that raised a Muslim Empire that bears his name, defeated the Golden Horde of Kublai Khan, and ruled over much of modern-day Persia, Afghanistan and western India.
Who is Timur?
The British East India Company was founded as this type cooperation between the British Crown and the London Stock Exchange.
What is a joint-endeavor?
Seeing this outpost as of little importance, as well as being in this farthest eastern region of the Mughal Empire, Emperor Jahangir grants the East Company the right to build their first multipurpose factory in this land.
What is Bengal?
While he still believed in the beauty of his speech at the Lincoln Memorial, in his last days, this man admitted that he may have solidified the end of the Civil Rights by investing Black America into a dying culture.
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
The Timurid Prince who inherited his father’s throne when he was only 12, and was influenced by his grandmother, a descendant of Ghengis Khan, to begin a long lasting campaign to conquer the Uzbeks and expand into the rich and peaceful regions of Hindustan.
Who is Babur?
The private armies of the East India Company gained this moniker due to the fact that they fell under the responsibility of an Officer of the Board of Directors.
What are Presidential Armies?
Like their Mongol and Timurid ancestors, the Mughal Dynasty relied heavily on these, rather than fear or loyalty, to ensure longstanding and reliable running of the day to day aspects of the Empire.
What is bureaucracy?
What is slow down?
Rather than seeing his Great Lhanare devolve into generations of Civil War, which would diminish Ghengis Khan’s achievements, he orders his sons do this to the Empire upon his deathbed.
What is split it up?
The East India Company infiltrated this Empire by making itself indespensible and part of the day to day bureaucracies in the Eastern and coastal portions of this Empire.
What is the Mughal Empire?
Knowing he cannot defeat the British Navy, Emperor Aurangzeb marched his army over land to take possession of every factory and building owned by the East India Company, effectively winning this war.
What is the Anglo-Mughal War?
Johnathon Harker fears his beloved Wilhelmina has fallen under the spell of this titular villain.
Who is Dracula?
Due to his promiscuity and the amount of time that has passed, like Charlemagne and Western Europeans, nearly 1 in 200 men worldwide can claim this about Ghengis Khan.
What is he is their ancestor?
After gaining dewali, or the right to collect taxes, the East India Company’s economic policies causes this type of disaster in 1770 Bengal, killing over 10,000,000 people.
What is a famine?
Babur uses the religious inclinations of his own time period to defeat and conquer the Hindi peoples by launching a jihad, and makes this personal decision about his diet to ensure he is seen as righteous enough to lead Muslims in a Holy War.
What is gives up alcohol?
Lovers of dominos, riding motorcycles, and sitting around drinking beer, these were the three professional wrestlers who were founding members of the Bone Street Crew.
Who are Yokozuna, the Godfather, and the Undertaker?