On the famous album cover, which Beatle Crossed Abbey Road first?
Name the Author who created Oz.
L. Frank Baum
Name one of his most popular and/or best-selling albums.
"Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison" 1968
"Johnny Cash at San Quentin" in 1969
Whose garden is infiltrated by Peter Rabbit?
Mr. McGregor's
Finish the Lyrics:
"We got married in a fever -
hotter than a ___________ ____________"
Pepper Sprout
What was the Beatles' first single to sell a million copies?
"She Loves You"
Name the Author who created Narnia.
C.S. Lewis
Which president brought macaroni & cheese to America?
Thomas Jefferson
What popular breed of rabbit was named for the Turkish city where it was first domesticated?
Where did Johnny Cash and June Carter meet?
a) Grand Ole Opry
b) Folsom Prison
c) Jackson Tennessee
Grand Ole Opry
In July 1956, Johnny Cash made his debut on the Grand Ole Opry stage. He had recently released the song "I Walk the Line"
Which classic song suggests you "take a sad song and make it better"?
Hey Jude
Name the Author who created Wonderland.
Lewis Carroll
What fast food restaurant boasts you can "have it your way"?
Burger King
True or False?
A female rabbit is called a doe.
How much does it cost to make a $1 bill?
7.7 cents
What is the only song John Lennon recorded completely by himself during his time with the Beatles?
Name the Author who created Neverland.
J.M. Barrie
What is the largest food & drink company in the world?
A male rabbit is called a buck.
How much does a US bill weigh?
1 gram.
Why did the BBC ban "I am the Walrus"?
Use of the word "knickers".
Name the Author who created Prydain.
Lloyd Alexander
What is the name of the hottest pepper in the world?
Carolina Reaper
True or false?
A rabbits’ eyes are on the sides of their head, meaning they can see almost all the way around them.
Benjamin Franklin designed America's first US penny in 1787. What was the motto emblazoned?
"Mind Your Business"
"In the town where I was born, lived a man who sailed to sea" is the start of which Beatles classic?
Yellow Submarine
Name the Author who created Utopia.
Thomas More
What was the original flavor of the filling in Twinkies?
Banana Cream
Mother rabbits are pregnant for between - - & - - days, giving birth to up to 14 baby rabbits in a single liter.
28 & 31
How many times does "The United States of America" appear on a $100 bill?