Noah sent out doves to see if the flood had receded
(True or False)
Which Disciple walked on water with Jesus and what was his name prior ?
Peter (Simon)
who was considered the "disciple whom JESUS loved"?
John !
Who did God Wrestle?
Kavod means?
Glory, Respect , and Honor
Sarah gave birth bro Ishmael & Issac
(True or False)
No Hagar gave birth to Ishmael and Sarah gave birth to Issac
Jesus's first miracle ?
Water into Wine
What was Pauls original name and who was his partner he taught ?
(Saul) and Silas
Who did GOD wipe out in Old Testament via flood and what were they called ?
What was the most amount of people the church has seen? (estimated to the nearest 100th)
Jesus fed over 5,000 men with just a couple bread and fish
True ( with just 5 loaves and 2 fish )
Jesus's last name ?
He did not have a last name he was known as Jesus of Nazareth
How many people witnessed Jesus resurrected?
The name of Adam & Eves 3 kids
Abel , Cain , Seth
The most we have ever had in the LIVE?
(estimated the the nearest 10th)
David wrote all of Psalms
While David wrote many Psalms , he did not write all of them. Others included were Asaph, and sons of Korah
What was Matthews profession prior to Jesus being his rabbi?
Tax Collector
Finish the verse Jesus said " I AM the Alpha ...
I AM the Alpha and the Omega , The First and the Last , The Beginning , and the End
(Revelation 22:13)
Jesus came from what tribe ?
Judah !
Who ran Media prior to Wesley & Josh?
The four Gospels contain of
Mark, Luke, James, and Matthew
(True of False)
Mark, Luke, John , and Matthew
How many days and nights was Jesus tempted and what happened to his body experiencing this level of stress ?
40 days and nights ( Jesus sweat blood)
Who doubted doubted Jesus being resurrected ? Even seeing him face to face
What books are in the Torah ?
Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers, Deuteronomy
Kavods Churches Address?
97A Webster St