What kind of cars does Grandpa and Grandma drive?
Mercedes and Honda
What is the main ingredient in red pasta sauce?
Name 2 colleges located in Lancaster County.
Lancaster School of the Bible, Millersville, F&M, Elizabethtown, Stevens
When is Todd's birthday?
New Year's Eve or December 31.
Hurts is from what state originally?
When driving in the Southwest (Arizona, etc), drivers need to be careful of what kind of storms?
Sand Storm
What is typically in a banana split?
Bananas, 3 flavors of ice cream, 3 different sauces, whipped cream and cherries.
What is the difference between a college and a university?
A University has more than one college on campus.
Name the Norells 4 animals.
Rocky, Max, Charlie and ?? cat
Bell named the Philadelphia team 'The Eagles' in 1933. What was this football team named before they became The Eagles?
Frankford Yellow Jackets.
What is a famous car race in Indiana?
Indianapolis 500
Where does (pure) syrup come from?
Maple tree (sap)
How old was the youngest person to graduate from college?
Michael Kearney was 10 years and 4 months when he earned a degree in anthropology in 1994, from U of South Alabama.
In what year was Zach born?
Name two professional football teams in Pennsylvania and two in New York.
Steelers, Eagles, Giants and Jets
What does Manual transmission mean?
Car has a clutch and driver needs to shift gears (as opposed to an automatic)
Why are eggs costing so much currently?
There is a very contageous bird disease going around and many chickens are needing to be killed.
Name 5 Ivy league universities.
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, U of PA, Cornell
How did Beener choose Nial's name?
She was on a swim team with a boy named Nial and always remembered/like the name.
How long is a football field?
100 yards
What does 4-wheel drive mean?
All 4 wheels grab the road rather than just the front or rear 2.
name 3 foods high in protein.
Meat, cheese, nuts, etc.
What Universities did Todd, Abby, Zach, Beener and pretty Grandma attend?
Virginia Tech, Penn State, U of Florida
What went wrong at Zach and Beener's wedding?
Sound system did not work.
Describe the game of Futbal in Europe.
Same as our Soccer.