Which of Joseph’s brothers convinced the others not to kill him but to throw him into a pit instead?
What did Jacob do to show his love for Rachel despite being tricked by Laban? How long did he do it?
Worked for Laban for 14 years.
What was Moses’ initial excuse for not wanting to confront Pharaoh?
He said he was not eloquent and was slow of speech and tongue.
What was the name of the woman who helped hide the spies in Jericho?
What city did Jonah flee to instead of going to Nineveh?
What specific position did Joseph hold in Potiphar’s household before being thrown into prison?
Overseer of Potiphar's house.
In John 13, how did Jesus demonstrate His love for the disciples at the Last Supper?
By washing their feet.
What was the tenth and final plague that led Pharaoh to release the Israelites?
The death of the firstborn.
What judge made a rash vow to God, resulting in the sacrifice of his daughter?
What city was home to Lydia, the seller of purple cloth, and where Paul met her?
What did the dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker each mean?
The cupbearer’s dream meant he would be restored to his position, while the baker’s dream meant he would be executed.
Who said to Jesus, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You,” and how many times did he say it?
Peter; three times.
What specific materials were used to build the Ark of the Covenant?
Acacia wood overlaid with gold.
Who was the left-handed judge who killed King Eglon of Moab with a hidden dagger?
What river did Naaman wash in to be healed of leprosy?
The Jordan River
What did Joseph accuse his brothers of when they came to Egypt to buy grain?
Being spies
Which prophet married Gomer to show God’s love for unfaithful Israel?
When the Israelites complained about no water at Rephidim, how did Moses provide water?
He struck the rock with his staff, and water flowed out.
What prophet rebuked King David after his sin with Bathsheba?
What city did Jesus weep over, saying it did not recognize the time of its visitation?
Which Egyptian priest’s daughter did Joseph marry, and what were their children’s names?
Asenath; their children were Manasseh and Ephraim.
What did Jonathan give to David as a sign of his love and loyalty?
His robe, tunic, sword, bow, and belt.
What two men held up Moses’ arms during the battle against the Amalekites?
Aaron and Hur.
What was the name of the woman who killed the Canaanite general Sisera by driving a tent peg through his head?
What is the valley where the final battle of Armageddon will take place?
The Valley of Megiddo