What does CPR Stand for?
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
What does AED stand for?
Automated External Defibrillator
What’s the first step in helping a choking adult?
Ask, “Are you choking?” Call 9 1 1 and get an AED. e
When performing CPR with two rescuers, how often should you switch roles?
Every 2 minutes or about 5 cycles to prevent fatigue and maintain high-quality compressions.
CPR can bring someone back to life.
Fasle - CPR just keeps the blood flowing to the brain and heart.
What’s the compression-to-Ventilations ratio for adults when using a BVM?
30 Compressions to 2 Ventilation
What’s the first step when using an AED?
Turn it on
How many back blows and thrusts for a choking Infant?
5 back blows, 5 Chest thrusts
What is the compression-to-breath ratio for two-rescuer CPR on an infant or child?
15 conpressions 2 Ventilations
You should stop compressions if the victim gasps
False. Gasping is not normal breathing—continue CPR.
How deep should chest compressions be on adults / Child and Infant?
Adults / Child = 2 in or 5 cm
Infant = 1.5 in or 4 cm
Where do you place AED pads on adult and child?
Upper right chest and lower left side
What do you do if the person becomes unconscious?
Start CPR immediately and check for an object before giving ventalations.
(911 should have been called)
What is the main advantage of two-rescuer CPR over one-rescuer CPR?
It reduces rescuer fatigue, leading to better quality compressions and a higher chance of survival.
The AED will shock everyone?
False. The AED analyzes and will only shock if needed - VT and VF
How many hands do you use for child CPR?
2 hands
Where do you place AED pads on infants?
Front and back
What should you do if a choking person is too large or pregnant?
Give chest thrusts instead of abdominal. Thrust chest stright back.
How should two rescuers work together to improve CPR quality?
One rescuer performs compressions while the other gives breaths and monitors compressions for proper depth, speed, and recoil, and start AED as soon as possible.
ou can do hands-only CPR.
True. Hands-only CPR is recommended for untrained rescuers or iwhen the BVM not available.
How do you check the pusle on a adult? and Infant?
Bouns: How long?
Adults = Carotid
Infant = Brachial
Bound: at least 5sec no lionger than 10sec
What is the chest was hairy?
Shave or wax the chest where the pads go.
Signs and symptoms of someone choking?
They will not be able to cough, speak, or breathe and may clutch their throat.
How many cpmressions to venations on an child and Infant?
15 compression and 2 ventatations.
You can put an AED pad over the pacemaker or medicine patch?
False. 2 Finger towards the left of the pacemaker / medicein patch.
Or remove the medcine patch with GLOVES.