I was born in Chile, so I am _____________
I always wear _______ when I go to sleep.
I always _______ my bed in the morning. (mop / make / dust)
Instruction: Complete the sentence with the correct word.
"I need to send a letter. I have to go to the __________."
post office
"I like to eat __________ in salads because they are fresh and crunchy."
If I am egyptian what would be my country?
Translate this sentence into English:
I wear a coat when it’s cold.
Yo limpio la mesa antes de cenar.
I clean the table before dinner.
2. "I am going to dry my clothes at the __________."
dry cleaner’s
Translate this sentences
The watermelon is a sweet and juicy fruit eaten in summer.
La sandía es una fruta dulce y jugosa consumida en verano
I was born in the country of Morocco so I am ?
I bought a new _______ (coat / shorts) for the summer.
My dad _______ the lawn every weekend. (sets / mows / cleans)
"I want to see paintings and sculptures. I am going to visit the __________.
3. "__________ is a green vegetable used in many healthy recipes."
Translate this sentence
Yo nací en Argentina, He estado viviendo en Sao Paulo desde que tenía 7 años, creo que soy brasileño ahora.
I was born in Argentina,I have been living since I was seven years old, I think I am Brazilian now.
He uses _______ (tracksuit / hat) when he exercises.
I _______ the table before lunch. (mop / set / dust)
4. "I need to buy a newspaper. I am going to the __________."
Translate this sentence
I love the taste of pepper in meals, especially in pasta.
Yo amo el sabor del pimiento en las comidas, especialmente en la pasta.
Translate this sentence in Spanish
I am part of this beautiful country, it has an amazing city, the city of Berlin, From this moment I consider myself German.
Yo soy parte de este hermoso país, este tiene una impresionante ciudad, la ciudad de Berlín, Desde este momento yo me considero Alemán
Write a sentence in English using the following words:
I wear socks to keep my feet warm.
Write a sentence in English using these words:
I mop the floor every Saturday.
5. "My car needs petrol. I am going to stop at the __________."
petrol station
Complete the sentence with the correct word.
5. "The __________ is a tropical fruit that has a sweet and sour taste."