What is huge or gigantic?
These describe nouns.
What are Quality Adjectives?
What is a Subject Opener?
I would like pizza coke and chips.
What is a list of items?
I would like pizza, coke, and chips.
Open with this!
What is an Introduction?
What is important or essential?
They show action.
What are Strong Verbs?
For dinner, I ate pizza.
What is a #2 Prepositional Opener?
Our country's birth is recognized as July 4 1776.
What is a date?
Our country's birth is recognized as July 4, 1776.
Only one per paragraph!
What is a topic?
What is kindly, considerately, or friendly?
When writing your essay, be sure dress-ups are placed here!
What is inside your sentence?
What is an -ING Opener?
She yelled "Dinner is ready!"
What is a quotation?
She yelled, "Dinner is ready!"
Let's wrap it up!
What is a conclusion?
What is to sway or lean while moving?
Some of these have imposters! Don't let them trick you!
What are -LY Adverbs?
What is a #6 Very Short Sentence?
We are excited to visited Washington D.C.!
What is a city and state/region/area?
We are excited to visited Washington, D.C.!
Grab your reader!
What is a HOOK?
What is therefore or as a result?
WWW.ASIA clauses, BECAUSE clauses, and WHO/WHICH clauses must have these!
What is a Subject and a Verb?
Because they are usually a little long, these two openers always need a comma!
What is a #4 and a #5?
Oh no I need help!
What is an interjection?
Oh no, I need help!
Think hamburger!
What is the 5-paragraph essay format?