Shriberg (1993) divided consonants into 3 stages of development. What are the early 8 speech sounds?
What is (m, b, j, n, w, d, p, h)?
Three resonating cavities for speech sounds
What is the oral cavity, nasal cavity and pharynx?
Can an SLP diagnosis hearing loss through testing hearing?
Strategy where you work on several sounds at the same time
horizontal approach
Damage to this cranial nerve that would impact the ability to raise and lower mandible and chew/speak
Trigeminal nerve
What age are children about 60% intelligible?
2 year 6 month olds
Two functions of the velum when it is closed
What is swallowing and the production of most speech sounds?
What are 3 reasons to do an assessment for SSD?
1. Diagnosis/ determine if a problem exists
2. Develop treatment goals
3. Determine type of treatment
Number of times you see a client per week
What is intensity of services?
Disorder that results from difficulty with planning and execution of speech sounds
Apraxia of speech
Age range for babbling
4-8 months
What is to much air flow through the nose (velopharyngeal insufficiency)?
Hyper nasality
How many utterances are needed for a continuous speech sample?
2 possible treatments for someone with respiration issues
Postural supports, diaphramatic strength training, inhaling, phrasing to support breath control
Disorder caused by weakness and paralysis of muscles needed for intelligible speech
What is Dysarthria?
Three velar sounds (place of articulation)
What is (k, g, ing)?
Function of the Levator veli palatini
What is to elevate the soft palate (velum) during swallowing and speech?
Testing that is done to see if a child can produce a specific sound
What is stimulability testing?
Treatment that involves using the cadence of music to assist in speech production
What is MIT?
Two cranial nerves involved in somatosensory speech production (sensory innervation to articulators)
What is intermediate and glossopharyngeal?
What manner of articulation is the following: brief obstruction of the vocal tract
What is an affricate?
Surgery that is done for cleft palate?
What is a palatalplasty?
Formula for developing PCC
(Number of correct consonants/total number of consonants) x 100
Treatment technique that manipulates articulators using hand cues
What is PROMPT?
Cranial nerve that control movement of the tongue
What is hypoglossal?