This brightest planet is sometimes visible to the human eye
What is Venus
The moon has this many phases
Dirk Kouglas
Michael Douglas
Both David Beckham and Pink share this medical hinderance since childhood, which is unfortunate considering there livelihoods
He starred in Footloose, Apollo 13, and about 7 million more films
Kevin Bacon
This is the largest of the four gas giants
What is Jupitar
Like Earth, the moon experiences these same forms of surprising movements, though causes no damage in the process
Bames Jrolin
Josh Brolin
The only thing that Michael J. Fox and Muhammad Ali have in common
Parkinson's Disease
He prances with wild dogs, builds sports areas for ghosts, and kills Alan Rickman
Kevin Costner
Mars has two, Earth has one, but Mercury and Venus have none of these
What are Moons
In Greek mythology, the moon is known as this daughter of Titans Hyperion and Theia
Pobert Rine
Chris Pine
Tom Cruise gets a lot of things mixed up, some of it attributed to this condition, but not all of it
Flightless or not, Kevin was an important part of this spaceship's crew
The only planet in which martians may live
What is Mars
This man stayed in orbit around the moon in the Apollo capsule while Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon.
Michael Collins
Serry Jiller
Ben Stiller
Selena Gomez and Nick Cannon have both raised awareness for this medical condition, from personal experience
Kevin McCallister favorite type of pizza
It takes the Sun's light 3.2 minutes to reach this planet's surface
This company has a contract with NASA to develop and manufacture lunar starships that will eventually carry humans to the moon, to further the chances of getting to Mars.
Ozzy Osbourne
Jack Osbourne
In 2022 Celine Dion announced she was diagnosed with this three-word disease
Stiff Person Syndrome
Adrian Monk's neighbor's favorite saying, after performing a magic trick.