What is the max king tower
all the stars are closer, all the stars are closer
all the stars
Who were the first two people made by god
Adam and eve
Who won the super bowl
What is the Pythagorean theorem
A2 +b2=c2
How many gems does an emote cost
Is this just real life? Is this just fantasy?
Bohemian rapsody
Where were Adam and Eve first made
Garden of eden
Who won this years nba dunk contest
Mac Mcclung
Who has the most grammys
At what arena do you u lock legendaries
In this world, concrete flowers grow
What did Noah take on his arch
Two of every animal
How many teams have never reached the super bowl
What is the largest LAND animal
African elephant
What is the third arena called
Barbarian bowl
Wherever you go that’s where I’ll follow
Die with a smile
What job did Jesus take on earth
Which NBA player holds the record for the most rebounds in a single game, with 55 rebounds?
Wilt chamberlain
What is OJ simpsons real name
Orenthal james
What two spells have evolutions
Snowball and zap
And tell me, boy, now wouldn’t that be sweet?
Sweet escape
What is the longest book in the Bible(as of the NLT)
This nba player played for the Houston rockets, had a four letter name, with an accent in it
List the continents from largest to smallest
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia