Please name the parts of a plant.
Roots, stem, leaf, and flower.
What is the water transportation?
The process of water transportation is the way water moves through a plant.
How many parts do most flowers have?
Male part and female part.
What is the germination?
Germination is when a seed begins to grow.
Where do we find the roots of a plant?
They grow underneath a plant, below the surface of the soil.
What is the progress of the water transportation?
The roots absorb water from the soil.
The stem transports water to the leaves.
Water evaporates from the leaves.
What job do anther do?
Produce the pollen.
What is pollination?
Pollination occurs when pollen from the anther is transferred to the stigma, often by an insect.
What job does a stem or trunk do?
The stem or trunk holds the plant up.
It also carries water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.
What is the evaporation of the leaves?
Evaporation happens when a liquid turns into a gas. It can be easily visualized when rain puddles “disappear” on a hot day or when wet clothes dry in the sun.
What structures does the male part include?
What is the fertilization?
Fertilisation happens when the pollen travels from the
stigma down the style to the ovary.
What job do leaves do?
The leaves make food for the plant using sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air.
What do plants need to grow?
Plants need air, light, warmth, water and nutrients to be healthy.
How can we call the female part?
The fully formed seeds are moved away from the parent plant.
Do you know what the flower’s job is?
Flowers are brightly coloured to attract insects and birds.
The insects carry pollen to other flowers.
Flowers use the pollen to make seeds to grow new plants.
There are 7 life processes that tell us if something is alive. What are they?
The 7 life process are movement, respiration, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition and sensitivity. Plants do all 7 of these things.
What job does stigma do?
The stigma often sits on top of the ovary and holds the style up to receive Pollen.
What is the life cycle for a plant?
The main stages in the life cycle of a plant are seed germination, seedling formation, growth, development and differentiation leading to a mature plant, pollination and fertilisation and the formation of fruit and seeds.