Chapter 14 Not Asleep
Chapter 15 PassionSpren
Chapter 16 Vague Promises and hints

she whispered, facing him in the darkness. “You realize that means it can’t be a true relationship? I can trust someone who has secrets, but not someone who _.”

she whispered, facing him in the darkness. “You realize that means it can’t be a true relationship? I can trust someone who has secrets, but not someone who lies.”


“It’s not just Azimir and Thaylen City—there’s a third offensive. A large number of Fused are marching on _ _ _.”

“It’s not just Azimir and Thaylen City—there’s a third offensive. A large number of Fused are marching on the Shattered Plains.”


What did Dalinar learn about Honor from Cultivation in this chapter? 

It seeks for men to see their heritage, as it searches for a new Vessel to hold it.


“I have lived a very long time, Jasnah. Longer than a mortal mind can track, so I store memories in something called _, an easily accessible—if costly—form of Investiture a person can adopt and, with training, use to expand their soul.

“I have lived a very long time, Jasnah. Longer than a mortal mind can track, so I store memories in something called Breath, an easily accessible—if costly—form of Investiture a person can adopt and, with training, use to expand their soul.


What is Jasnah's plan for the Shattered Plains?

“Why the Shattered Plains? Did they get wind of Jasnah’s plan to found a second Alethi kingdom there?”


Cultivation told Dalinar that he will find what in the Spiritual Realm?

Seek the Spiritual Realm, where gods dwell. You have the ability to get there, perhaps even the ability to return. There you will receive the final truths of the Heralds, the Radiants, and Honor himself. Go and seek it, Dalinar Kholin, if you would finish this journey.”


Wit realize what was odd during his last encounter with Odium?

“Fantastically wrong. Rayse is a megalomaniac, Jasnah. For all his craftiness, it would hurt him to let me walk away thinking I’d bested him. Yet this time he encouraged it.” Wit leaned forward and took her hand. “He’s grown. After ten thousand years, Rayse has actually learned something. That terrifies me. Because if I can’t anticipate what he will do …”


What does Gav share in common with Kaladin in Rhythm of War?

Gav buried his face in her havah, but peeked at Dalinar. The boy’s eyes were red from tears. “Nightmares?” Dalinar asked Mararin. She nodded. The woman could be stern, but she cared deeply for the children she watched over.


What does the Stormfather think about Cultivations suggestions for Dalinar?

Just that the Spiritual Realm has answers, Dalinar said. That I can get there with my powers. That I should seek the truths of history, and of Honor. The Stormfather rumbled, sounding annoyed by this. What? Dalinar asked. I’ve shown you what you need, he replied. Too much more is dangerous.

I did not think she would interfere except in her usual way, the Stormfather said. That of making tiny nudges that require decades to mature. I will have to think on it. Her suggestion is dangerous, Dalinar. Too dangerous. Take car


At the end of this chapter, what did Wit said his next course of action will be?

“You’re right,” he said. He took a deep breath. “You’re … you’re right. We need an expert, beyond even my considerable knowledge.” “Do you know any?” “On your world?” he asked. “Only one, but she and I aren’t on speaking terms. I will instead see if I can contact an old friend …