This type of supernova occurs when a white dwarf accumulates too much material from a companion star and explodes.
Type IA
This is the first stage of a star's life, where gas and dust come together to form a hot, dense core.
This type of supernova results from the collapse of a massive star that retains its hydrogen layer.
This famous German astronomer first observed Kepler's Supernova in 1604.
Johannes Kepler
12 x 11 = ...
The critical mass that the white dwarf must reach before exploding is called the ______ limit.
Chandrasekhar limit
Kepler’s Supernova helped astronomers measure the scale of the universe using this technique, acting as a "______."
Standard candle
This Italian astronomer also studied Kepler’s Supernova, making it an important event in early astronomy.
Galileo Galilei
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