I _______ (want) to thank her at the party yesterday, but then she left.
There are (some / any) cats in the backyard!
______(here) is not my sweater. Mine is at home.
It's a really great movie. You ________ see it!
What was you doing?
Were, not was!
We _______ (go) to the museum on Friday for a field trip!
How (much/many) money do you have in your wallet?
Can you pass me _______ (over there) plates? I need to wash them.
Correct the mistake: When I was younger, I should skate very well.
Could, not should!
Give me some of these balloons over there!
I ______ (say) I was hungry, not tired!
These and Those!
Can I have some of ______ cake over there?
Do you ________ take your dog to the vet? She doesn't seem very sick.
Have to!
I think I see you yesterday at the beach.
Thought, not think and Saw, not see!
My mom ________ (have) a dog named Riley when she _________ (to be) in high school.
Had and Was!
Make a question asking for more milk using many/much/some/any/a few/ a little.
Can I have some more milk?
______ lilies shouldn't be here. They should be with ________ roses!
These and Those!
Mom says we _________ clean our room every day.
Would you like a few sugar in your tea?
A little, not a few!
He _________ (forget) that he _________ (leave) his scarf at Margaret's house.
Forgot and Left!
Can you add _________ spice to the soup?
A little!
Do you want ________ or _________. Be more specific!
This or That!
I ________ be home by 9pm. _________ we please leave soon?
Have to and Could!
Mustn't, not haven't to and Could, not should!