What is 3 years
Sofia's birth year
What is 2012
Paola’s favorite subject in school
What is English (or E.L.A)
What is Spainish
Their current address
What is 16 Indian hill Road
Martins favorite movie series
What is Harry Potter
Sofias favorite color
What is pink
Paolas favorite food
What is Thai food.
The national currency of Mexico
What is Mexican Pesos
The year the Secada’s moved to Montville.
What is 2022
Martins Favorite goalie
Who is Unai Simon
Sofias favorite candy
What is Reese’s
Paola’s favorite singer/artist
Who is Olivia Rodrigo
Cinco De Mayo celebrates Mexicos victory over this country
What is France
The area of Mexico City the Secadas are moving to in Mexico City
What is Polanco
Sofias favorite sport
What is Tennis
What is 3
The 4 US States that share a border with Mexico
What is California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas
The Secadas favorite soccer team
What is Biliabao
Martins favorite soccer player
Who is Nico Williams
Sofias favorite makeup brand
what is rare beauty
Paolas favorite author
Who is Jane Austen
A famous Mexican artist who is known for her self-portraits?
Who is Frida Kahlo
3 places the secadas have lived
Columbia, Chicago, Montville, London, Mont Olive