is 81 divided by 9
it is 9
a touchdown is how many points
what is the fastest a car has gone on a road
268 mph
when is my mom birthday
march 10
where do we go to look at Christmas lights
what is 83 times 28
it is 2,324
how did kobe bryant die
helicopter crash
when year did joe biden become presedent
what year did i break my nose
a long time ago where did we go for thanksgiving
great grandma
what is 2 x 3 x 10 -8
it is 52
if you are golfing and it went in after 1 hit what is it called
hole in one
what year did MLKJ die in
what do we do for new year
go to the desert
where do we all go now for thanksgiving
grandma liz
what is the square root of 81
that would be 9
what is the most points one person has made in a basketball game
100 points
who made the ciber truck
elon musk
when year grayson get her finger choped off
what food do we eat on christmas
300 x 5
that is 1,500
what is the fastest baseball pitch ever
107 mph
what year did percy jackson the first moive come out
where did we all go to on my 12 birthday
to get sushi
what cologne did i get for christmas