Where were most slaves taken from?
What is: West Central Africa?
Where did the first slaves arrive in America?
What is: Jamestown, Va?
Where were slaves taken to once they landed in America?
What is: The Slave Market?
What are the two types of slaves?
House Slave, and Field Hand?
What is one verbal way slaves would send code that they were escaping?
What is: A Spiritual Song?
What three countries dominated the slave trade?
What is: Dutch, Portugal, and Britain?
What is the moving of slaves over the atlantic commonly called?
What is: The Middle Passage, or the Mid-Atlantic Slave Trade?
What is the definition of an auctioneer?
What is: a person who conducts auctions by accepting bids and declaring goods sold?
What were the main crops that slaves would be planting, and harvesting?
What is: Cotton, Rice, Tobacco, Sugar?
Who was the person leading the way while running?
What is the: Conductor?
What was Elminia Castle originally built for?
What is: To protect Gold trade, and Portugese traders?
What were the slaves fed on the boat transporting them?
What is usually rice?
What were African men referred to as, and what were African women referred to as?
What is: Buck, and Wench?
Slaves work from what time to what time?
What city and state did Harriet Tubman first arrive in after escaping from Maryland?
What city and country did she go to when Congress enacted the Fugitive Slave Act?
What is: Philadelphia, PA
What is: St. Catherine's, Ontario, Canada
Where is Elmina Castle Located?
What is: Ghana?
What were some diseases contracted while being transported?
What is: Cholera, dysentery, smallpox, fever?
True or False: Slaves were sometimes auctioned from the boat they road on to America?
What is: True?
Who was in charge of slaves while working?
What is an overseer?
Who kept a record of escaping slaves?
Who is: William Still?
What ocean was used to transport slaves to America?
What is the Atlantic?
What would happen to slaves that died on the voyage?
What is: They were thrown overboard?
How were slave auctions advertised?
What is: Newspapers, word of mouth, posters?
What is: Whistle?
What is the definition of an Abollitionist?
What is: a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.