The discovery of this in 1848 led to a massive migration of settlers to California.
What is Gold?
Andrew Carnegie dominated this industry in the late 19th century.
What is the Steel Industry?
This medieval-sounding union was formed in 1869 and opened its ranks to most industrial workers (other than Chinese workers).
What is the "Knights of Labor"?
This political party emerged in the 1890s primarily to support farmers and laborers.
What is the Populist Party?
This movement aimed to eliminate the consumption of alcohol in the United States
What is the Temperance Movement?
The primary purpose for so-called "Indian Boarding Schools" in the late 1800s.
What is "forced assimilation"?
This economic philosophy argues that businesses and the economy work best with no governmental interference.
This phrase was used to describe industrial capitalists who exploited their workers and drove out competition.
What are "Robber Barons"?
Political machines often targeted this group to obtain votes for their preferred candidates.
Who are immigrants?
Ida B. Wells famously crusaded against this crime throughout the late 19th century?
What is lynching?
This legislation provided 160 acres of public land to settlers willing to farm it for five years.
What is the Homestead Act?
Situation where one company controls all phases of production, from mining to marketing.
What is "vertical integration"?
This conflict between labor and management included an 8 day strike and a bomb being thrown into the crowd.
What is the "Haymarket Riot"?
Tammany Hall was the name of the political machine run by this "boss".
Who is William "Boss" Tweed?
Thomas Nast created plenty of these to expose corruption and seek reform.
What are political cartoons?
This conflict in 1876 was a significant defeat for U.S. forces against Native Americans and prompted the U.S. to intensify its actions against Native Americans.
What is the Battle of Little Bighorn?
Belief held by industrial capitalists that their economic success proved that they were biologically superior.
What is Social Darwinism?
The number of hours that unions wanted in a workday
What is 8 or 10 hours depending on who you ask?
Frustrated by corruption and monopolies, the Populist Party began with this group.
Who are the farmers (the Grange or Farmer's Alliance)?
One of two late-1800s photographers who used their work to seek labor and housing reforms.
The belief that America's fate was to expand westward.
What is "Manifest Destiny"?
Carnegie's theory that the wealthy elite must guide the nation through their philanthrophy.
What is the "Gospel of Wealth"?
A famous detective agency that was often brought in by factory owners to break up strikes.
Who are the Pinkertons?
Political machines provided these in exchange for votes.
What are public services, favors, or bribes?
One element of the Populist Party's platform.
What is a graduated income tax, public ownership of railroads, 8-hour workday, loans for farmers, or the end of the gold standard.