What did harry do to Dudley at the zoo with the snake?
He made the glass vanish.
Who are the 2 people harry met on the train
Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger
What house is harry potter in?
Snape does what subject?
What player in Quiditch is Harry potter
Where does harry sleep?
In the cupboard under the stairs
What person did harry get on the card in the chocolate frogs?
Albus Dumbledore
What house did the sorting WANT to put harry potter in?
Professor MCgonagel does what subject
Who is head of Slytherin?
What did MR. Dursley see outside?
A bunch of owls
Why did Hermione come into the trailor that harry and Ron were in?
Because Neville Longbottom lost his toad trevor
What part of the school is forbidden ( it is not the west corner )?
The Forbidden forest
Who is Harry's least favorite teacher?
Professor Snape
Who is prefect of Gryfinndor?
Percy Weasley
Where did they go so that the mail couldn't find them?
In a little house on the sea
What was the spell that harry used to turn his rat yellow?
Sunshine daisies butter mellow turn this stupid fat rat yellow
Who Led the class in the school to the great hall?
Professor MCgonagel
Who Almost Finds Harry in the library
Who is the bully?
Draco Malfoy
What was Dudley doing when Hagrid made Dudley a pig's tail
Eating Harry's birthday cake
When everyone got out of the train who led the first years to the school?
What was the password for the fat old lady to get in to the dormitry
Caput Draconis
What is Harry's least favorite subject?
What 2 people are Malfoys Minions
Crabbe and Goyle