The Paleozoic Era is split into many periods.
What is 7?
Dinosaurs first appeared during this period.
What is the Triassic?
The Ice Age occurred during this epoch.
What is the Pleistocene?
The formation of Earth’s crust.
What is Hadean?
The remains or traces of ancient life preserved in rock.
What are fossils?
The oldest geological period of the Paleozoic Era
What is Permian?
The first birds evolved during this period.
What is Jurassic?
This epoch marks the rise of mammals.
What is the Paleocene?
Early bacteria and algae appeared in this eon.
What is Archean?
The sticky tree sap that can harden into amber and preserve prehistoric insects.
What is resin?
The first amphibians appeared in this period.
What is the Devonian?
Flowering plants and placental mammals first appeared during this period.
What is Cretaceous?
The Alaska Range began to rise during this epoch.
What is the Oligocene?
Multicellular life had come during the Precambrian SuperEcon. .
What is Proterozoic?
The name of the Ice Age mammals sometimes found frozen in permafrost, making them an example of original remains.
What are woolly mammoths?
This mass extinction ended the Permian Period.
What is the Permian-Triassic extinction?
This major orogeny shaped Alaska during the Jurassic-Cretaceos transition.
What is the Brookian Orogeny?
Grasslands spread during these epochs.
What are the Miocene and Pliocene?
The oldest known rocks in Alaska are from this complex.
What is the Kanektok Metamorphic Complex?
The scientific study of fossils to understand prehistoric life.
What is paleontology?
The orogeny which occurred during the Silurian period.
What is the Kakas Orogeny?
The extinction that ended this era was caused partly by an asteroid impact.
What is the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction?
This geological event opened the Bering Sea.
What is the slab-window subduction?
The next subdivision of the timescale, which follows the Precambrian and begins to show visible light.
What is the Phanerozoic?
This process occurs when minerals replace the original remains of an organism, preserving its shape but not its original material.
What is replaced remains (or fossilization by mineral replacement)?