True or False
Only a few participants have the right to considerate, respectful care from everyone at PACE SEMI.
All participants have the right to considerate, respectful care from everyone at PACE SEMI.
The way in which all treatments have to be explained to a participant
All treatments have to be explained in a way that participants can understand
True or False
Each participant has the right to communicate with health care providers in confidence
Your information is yours, and you are protected by HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) to keep your information confidential
Can you complain about PACE?
Each participant has the right to a fair and efficient processes for resolving differences with PACE SEMI, including a rigorous system for internal review by the organization, and independent system of external review.
Can you be plan your own care?
It is a necessary and important responsibility to be involved with the planning of your own care alongside your PCT (Primary Care Team).
True or False
Some participants have the right to not be discriminated against based on race in the delivery of services.
All participants have the right to not be discriminated against based on race.
True or False
You have the right to make your own healthcare decisions even if family/friends don't like it.
You are the one receiving care, and can make your own decisions about the type of care you receive.
True or False
You can view your medical records
You have the right to view, have a copy of, and request amendments to your medical records.
True or False
You have the right to argue with PACE staff if you have a dispute or disagreement
You have the right to be encouraged and assisted to voice complaints to PACE SEMI staff and outside representatives of your choice
Do you have to pay monthly fees on time?
Yes, it is your responsibility to pay the monthly fees.
True or False
All participants have the right to not be discriminated against based on ethnicity or national origin
All participants have that right
You can refuse treatment
Yes, you can refuse any treatment and be informed about the consequences of the decisions
True or False
You have the right to keep some of your health records confidential
You have the right to be assured of confidential treatment of all information contained in your health records.
This includes health information contained in an automated data bank
Can you appeal any treatment from PACE SEMI?
You have the right to appeal any treatment decision of PACE SEMI, its employees, or contractors through the PACE SEMI appeals process
What hospitals can you use?
Hospitals affiliated with PACE through Henry Ford
True or False
You can mistreat another participant for not believing in the same walk of faith or religion as you
It is NEVER okay to mistreat another participant for any reason
Can you ask for a new assessment by the PACE SEMI team?
If you are not satisfied with any of your assessments, you can be reevaluated
The staff can tell other participants where you are or if you are in the hospital
Each participant has the right to have confidentiality of your individually identifiable healthcare information
True or False
If someone is complaining and causing a disturbance, they can be held under restraint
You have the right to be free of any restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal by PACE SEMI staff for voicing complaints
What should you do if you wish to disenroll from PACE SEMI?
Ronald McDonald: "I don't know why they let you in here. You don't fit in with us and act funny."
Grimace: "I'm sorry you feel that way. I can't help that."
Who is violating a participant's rights?
Bonus: Which right is being violated?
Answer: Ronald McDonald
Bonus: The right of non-discrimination of physical or mental disability
True or False
You can be transferred to another facility without knowing
You have the right to be given a written reasonable advance notice of transfer to another health setting along with reasons for the transfer
True or False
You can limit how much of your information is shared
You have the right to provide consent that limits the degree of information
True or False
You can criticize the taste of coffee at PACE
You have the right to voice your opinion, complain, and be assisted to file appeals about PACE SEMI
In the case of a non-emergency or if an emergency has occurred,
Who you gonna call?
(Not ghostbusters)
PACE: (855) 445-4554