What are the four main layers of the atmosphere?
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere
What is the primary function of the ozone layer?
To absorb harmful UV radiation from the Sun
What is the primary source of photochemical smog?
Vehicle emissions (NOx and VOCs)
What are the two primary pollutants that lead to acid rain?
Sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
What type of radiation does the ozone layer primarily absorb?
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation
Which atmospheric layer contains the ozone layer?
What human-made chemicals are responsible for ozone depletion?
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
What atmospheric conditions make smog worse?
Temperature inversions (where warm air traps pollutants close to the surface)
How does acid deposition affect aquatic ecosystems?
Lowers pH, harms fish populations, disrupts food chains
Which layer of the atmosphere is where weather occurs?
What percentage of the atmosphere is nitrogen (N₂)?
What is the name of the international agreement to phase out ozone-depleting substances?
The Montreal Protocol
What is one of the main pollutants that react to form photochemical smog?
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
What is a major long-term effect of acid deposition on forests?
Weakens trees by leaching essential nutrients from the soil
What pollutant, produced by cars, reacts with sunlight to form ozone at ground level?
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
What is the term for the process by which the atmosphere traps heat to regulate Earth’s temperature?
The Greenhouse Effect
What harmful effects does increased UV radiation have on humans?
Skin cancer, cataracts, weakened immune system
What secondary pollutant is a major component of photochemical smog and can cause respiratory problems?
Tropospheric ozone (O₃)
What human activity is the largest source of sulfur dioxide emissions?
Burning fossil fuels (coal and oil) in power plants
What term describes the gradual warming of Earth’s atmosphere due to increased greenhouse gases?
Global warming
Name one natural and one human-made source of atmospheric particulates.
Natural: Volcanic eruptions, Human-made: Burning fossil fuels
What chemical reaction breaks down ozone in the stratosphere?
Cl + O₃ → ClO + O₂ (Chlorine radicals break down ozone)
Name one strategy to reduce photochemical smog.
Reducing vehicle emissions through catalytic converters or promoting public transportation
What is one method used to reduce acid rain?
Installing scrubbers in power plant smokestacks to remove sulfur dioxide
Name two negative health effects of air pollution.
Respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis), cardiovascular problems