A condition that impairs normal functioning of a human, plant or animal body and has distinguishing sign and symptoms. What is this?
What is Disease?
What is the definition of Allergies?
What are the 2 types of Diabetes?
What is the definition of Communicable disease?
What Cancer causes the most deaths?
What is Lung Cancer?
What is the definition of Non-Communicable diseases?
What is diseases that are not transmitted from one person to another?
What is the 3-step process of an Allergic Reaction?
What is...
1.Contact is made with allergen.
2.Histamine is released.
3.Immune system triggers a non-specific response by releasing antibodies that release histamine.?
What are some ways you can get Type 1 Diabetes?
What is Genetics, Family History, Race/Ethnicity, and Enviromental Factors?
What is one Communicable disease?
What is...
Common Cold
The Flu/Influenza
What is the definition of Cancer?
What is disease characterized by the rapid and uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.
Immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. What is this a definition of?
What is Type 2 Diabetes?
What are the ways to prevent Allergies?
What is Avoid the Allergen, Take Medications, and Get Injections?
What does Type 2 Diabetes affect in the major organs?
What is heart and blood vessel disease, nerve damage in limbs, kidney disease, and eye damage?
How can Communicable diseases spread?
What is spread through the air, by touch, or though bodily fluids?
What Cancer is almost always cured?
Diseases that are present either continuously or off and on over a long period of time. What is this?
What is Chronic?
What are some examples (at least 2) of the causes of Allergies?
Airborne Allergens: __
Certain Foods: __
Insect Stings: __
Medications: __
Latex: __
What is...
Airborne Allergens: such as pollen, and animal dander.
Certain Foods: such as peanuts, gluten, and milk.
Insect Stings: from bees, wasps, and mosquitos.
Medications: penicillin, and sulfonamide antibiotics.
Latex: includes certain balloons or play equipment.?
What are some ways to prevent Type 2 Diabetes?
What is Consuming a Healthy Diet, Exercise Regularly, Reduce Stress, and Avoid Tabacco?
What are the 5 ways to help prevent you from getting sick?
What is...
Avoid Sharing Personal Items
Cover Your Mouth
Good Food Safety
Having Good Hygiene?
A substance that can cause Cancer. What is this?
What is Carcinogen?
What is the definition of Degenerative?
What is diseases that cause further breakdown in body cells, tissues, and organs as they progress?
What are the causes of Allergies?
What is Airborne Allergens, Certain Foods, Insect Stings, Medications, and Latex?
What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?
What is Type 1 Diabetes is genetic, and the immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. Type 2 Diabetes is caused by your lifestyle choices, and it is a condition in which the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.?
True or False: All Communicable have small symptoms, while others have mild symptoms.
What is False?
True answer: Some Communicable diseases may produce mild symptoms, while others can be lethal.
What are the risk factors that increase the risk of getting Cancer?
What is Heredity, Lifestyle Factors, and Environmental Carcinogens?