lesson 20
lesson 21 North
lesson 21 South
lesson 22
Famous people

to make change in order to bring about improvement, end abuses, or correct injustices

what is reform?


flat planes,rocky,soil,mountains,rivers,lakes,bays and four different seasons

what is the geography in the North like?


Geography in the South was swamps,marshes,bays,rivers,flat plains,mountains and ocean.

What was geography in the south like?


The South's economy depended on cotton cause it was easy to grow and they had the cotton gin

What was the economics of slavery?


Harriet tubman

Who helped slaves escape slavery through the underground railroad?


walden or life in the woods

what book did Henry D. Thoreau write


factorys,farms,seamstists,coal and iron

what is the Norths economy like


The economy in the south depended completely on slaves to farm.

What was the economy in the South like?


The working conditions of slaves was they started work at dawn and worked to dusk

what were the working conditions of slaves?


Fredrick douglas

Who escaped enslavement and became an important abolitionist leader?


Mann became the state’s supervisor of education and spoke out in towns and villages on the need for public schools. “Our means of education,” he stated, “are the grand machinery by which the ‘raw material’ of human nature can be worked up into inventors and discoverers, into skilled artisans and scientific farmers.”

what did Horace Mann do for schools?


trains were able to go way faster than any steam boats so people were laying down tracks,sleek clipper ships cut ocean travel time and increased Northern trade with foreign ports around the world.steam boats were able to go up current on rivers

What is the Norths transportation like?


Transportation in the South was steam boats,wagons,walking,horses,clipper ships and running.

What was transportation in the South like?


huts with bare ground beds were made of straw or old rags,barely enough food to keep them going

What were the living conditions of slavery?


Susan B. Anthony

who did Elizabeth candy Stanton work with?


a philosophy emphasizing that people should transcend, or go beyond, logical thinking to reach true understanding, with the help of emotions and intuition

what is transcendentalism?


There were many immigrants from Germany and Ireland,white males worked while the women would watch over the kids,cities were huge dumps,black people were discriminated

What was the North's society like?


The society in the South was like a triangle with Plantation owners on top poor whit people in the middle and freedom and enslaved African Americans on the bottom

What was society in the South like?


They would slow down work and break tools to slow it down even more

How did slaves rebel quietly?


Elizabeth Candy Stanton

Who did Susan B. Anthony work with?


a revival of religious feeling and belief from the 1800's to the 1840's

what is the second great awakening?


The North supports the federal government over the state government

what government does the North support?


The government the South supported was the state government

What government did the South support?


they would sneek into the woods for religious meetings

What did enslaved people do after work?


Sojourner Truth

who faced both the discrimination of being black and being a women at the same time