This prefix means "to bend or curve"
What is "flect"?
The prefix rupt means...
The prefix mal means to harm
What is a system for transmitting voices over a distance using wire or radio?
This prefix means "to carry or bear"
What is port?
This prefix means to write
What is script?
The prefix ject means...
What is to throw?
The prefix tract means to plow
False! It means to pull or draw.
What is detailed information telling how something should be done, operated, or assembled?
This prefix means to shape
What is form?
This Prefix means "direct" or "course"
What is duct?
The prefix struct means...
What is to build?
The prefix graph means to take evidence of
False! It means to write
What is an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature?
This prefix also means to write
What is graph?
This prefix means bad
The prefix therm means...
What is heat?
The prefix ject means to throw
The act of forming (shaping) or being formed (shaped).
Ex. The army entered their attack formation!
This prefix means to draw or pull
What is tract?
This prefix means to hear
What is aud?
The prefix tele means
What is far off?
The prefix script means to write
What is to look at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings.
This prefix means to look or watch over