What is the main function of carbohydrates?
Main source of energy; fuels the brain, muscles, and organs.
What is the main function of fats in the body?
Provides long-term energy, supports cell growth, protects organs, and helps absorb vitamins.
What is the main function of proteins in the body?
Builds and repairs tissues, makes enzymes and hormones, supports the immune system.
What are some FOOD examples of Carbohydrates?
Bread, pasta, rice, fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
What are some FOOD examples of good and bad fats?
Good Fats (Unsaturated) : almonds, walnuts, peanuts, olive oil, fish
Bad Fats (Saturated + Trans): Butter, ice cream, cheese, animal fat, cookies, french fries, potato chips
What are some FOOD that contain protein?
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, nuts, soy products.
What are the two types of Carbohydrates, explain their differences?
- Simple (Sugars): Quick energy; found in fruits, milk, and sweets.
- Complex (Starches): Long-lasting energy; found in whole grains, beans, and vegetables.
What are the three types of fats, which are unhealthy?
Saturated Fats (unhealthy), Unsaturated Fats (healthy), and Trans Fats (unhealthy).
What are amino acids?
Amino Acids: proteins in your body are made up of 20 of these.
What is essential for digestion, and what does it help?
Fiber - helps move food through the digestive system.
Where is saturated fats found?
Found in animal products and some oils; can raise cholesterol.
What are essential proteins and how many are there?
9: Must come from food (your body cannot supply these); found in animal products and soy.
Where is fiber found in the body?
Found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Where are unsaturated fats and trans fats found?
- Unsaturated Fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated): Found in plant-based oils, fish, and nuts; good for heart health.
- Trans Fats: Found in processed foods; can increase health risks.
What are the nonessential proteins and how many are there?
11: Can be made by the body; found in plant-based foods like beans and nuts.