Hebrew for ”anointed one”
The first step of Confirmation
This gift helps you grasp deeper meaning of scripture; also helps you to understand spiritual truths
The person receiving Confirmation is called
The confirmand
Set apart as holy
the last step of Confirmation
Concluding Rites
This gift means you have a great respect for Gods power
Fear of the Lord
Why is Confirmation misunderstood?
People believe it has little impact
Law of the new covenant
New Law
This steps renews the promises of this other sacrament, which is usually the first sacrament people receive in the Catholic Church
This gift helps you grow a deeper devotion and reverence towards God
What people are expected to do with the Gifts
We are expected to use them to grow in faith
Divine precepts contained in the Torah or first 5 books of the bible
Law of Moses
This step is also known as the matter
Laying on of hands and anointing with the oil
This gift gives you the ability to make judgments based on faith; to see things from Gods perspective
Fragrant blessed oil also called Myron
the name for confirmation in Eastern Europe
This step is also known as the form of confirmation (words spoken)
This is the gift of discernment; to do the right course of action
The day Jesus sent the Holy Spirit