St. Valentine reportedly carried a ring made of this gemstone, which probably explains it's use as February's birthstone
What is Amethyst?
Samuel F.B. Morse didn't just invent his eponymous code, he invented this communication device that utilized it
What is the Telegraph?
You should always do this, from latin plaudō, to strike, after a show.
His Overture of 1812 is most famous for its artistic inclusion of cannons
People often wonder wether the name of the color came first, or the name of this fruit. In truth, both come from the name of the fruit tree
This Roman form of the Greek God Eros is a common symbol of Valentine's Day, hopefully bringing lovers together.
Who is Cupid?
Jonas Salk developed the first vaccine for this disease in 1955 , choosing not to patent it in order to make it more available.
What is Polio?
Magellan was the first to do this to the globe, from latin nāvis meaning ship.
Harriton teacher Mr. Bizich has visited Salzburg, Austria, home of this prodigious composer no less than 3 times.
Who is Mozart?
This Thanksgiving staple is famously harvested by flooding the bogs in which it's grown
Valentine's Day makes an appearance in Shakespeare, mentioned ruefully by Ophelia as she waits for this titular character.
Who is Hamlet?
Isaac Singer invented a revolutionary one of these, using a presser foot to work faster and more maneuverably than any before.
What is a Sewing Machine?
A certain action often seen done by member of a circus comes latin saliō, to jump or leap.
It is typically considered tradition to stand during this composers work "Messiah"
Who is Handel?
This fruit is banned on public transportation in many countries, due to its pervasive odor
What is Durian?
St. Valentine was the patron saint of apiculturists, a profession more commonly known as this
What is Beekeeping?
The modern steel plow was first invented by this man, whose agricultural machinery company is still popular in America today
Who is John Deere
From deus, meaning god, we get this word meaning to get glimpses of future through godly help.
This group of 4 concerti by Vivaldi was meant to elicit images of flowing creeks, singing birds, hunting parties, and winter fires.
What is the Four Seasons?
In the Iliad, Eris starts the Trojan war by causing three goddesses to fight over a golden version of this fruit
What is an Apple?
Valentine's Day is still celebrated as a feast day in Balzan, a city in this microstate with the capital of Valleta
What is Malta?
Orville and Wilbur Wright performed the first successful manned aircraft flight in this North Carolina town in 1903
What is Kitty Hawk?
From tango, to touch, we get this word denoting something that can spread through contact
There was a sort of "mania" associated with this composer. His concerts were reported to evoke hysterical, ecstatic responses, and women wore his face on brooches.
Who was Liszt?
Monoculture led to the spread of Panama disease within the Gros Michel, which lost out it's spot as the most popular version of this Central American fruit.