This playwright, of French origin, specialized in comedies of character and is maybe best known for his highly satirical plays.
Who is Moliere?
In this play, there is plague, mistaken identity, and a plot that Freud would go crazy for.
What is Oedipus Rex?
Which period falls between the years 1875 and 1975, but can also include today's theatre?
What is the Modern Era?
Where does the term thespian come from?
Who is Thespis, the first actor in ancient Greek theatre?
What is the difference between dialogue and a monologue?
Dialogue is a conversation between characters, while a monologue is only one character speaking.
This actor, who lived from 1833-1893, is famous for his more realistic performances, though his achievements are often overlooked by his brother's more famous reputation instead.
Who is Edwin Booth?
In Tartuffe, who is the antagonist?
Who is Tartuffe?
Which theater period's name means "rebirth" and has a plethora of neoclassical ideals?
What is the Renaissance?
What is the bridge in Noh theatre called, and what is it for?
Hashigakari, and it is for the performers to make their way from the dressing area to the stage.
What are the two biggest differences between Greek and Roman amphitheaters?
What is the shape of the orchestra and whether or not they are freestanding structures?
Henrik Ibsen (Norway)- A Doll's House, Ghosts, Hedda Gabler
August Strindberg (Sweden)- The Father, Miss Julie
Anton Chekhov (Russian)- The Seagull, The Cherry Orchard, The Three Sisters
In A Doll's House, what is the main conflict?
The main conflict is societal expectations that Helmer pays into, but that Nora wishes to break out of.
Which period gave us the comedies of manners?
The Restoration
What is Angle Perspective?
*Extra 50 points if you can tell me other name for it*
Angle, or Mulitpoint Perspective, painted settings that pull the eye to multiple vanishing points. It was developed in Italy by the Bibienas family.
This form of Japanese Theatre is thought to have been developed by a Shinto priestess named Okuni.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What type of character is Willmore in The Rover?
A dominant trait character.
This period falls from approximately 753BCE until 476BC and is characterized by a lot of "borrowing" from their neighbors.
The Roman Period
What is the difference between an obstacle and a complication?
An obstacle is something that delays or prevents the achieving of a goal by a character by creating complications and conflict while a complication is the introduction of a new force in the play that created a new power balance and delays the climax.
This dramatic structure is characterized as tightly constructed plays with cause-and-effect development and actions that revolve around a secret. Every act ends with a climactic moment, and the plot is carefully resolved.
What is the Well-made play?
This ancient Greek philosopher wrote The Poetics. A text that would come back around with the neo-classicists.
What is the climax of Oedipus Rex?
When Oedipus finally discovers the truth about who he is and his past.
This form of drama developed between 1800 and 1875, and is characterized by a rejection of artistic rules.
What is Romanticism?
What is the French term for Director?
What is regisseur?
This theatre practitioner came up with the theory of Biomechanics. Who is the practitioner, and what is the theory of Biomechanics?
*50 bonus points if you can tell me what category of theatre this falls under*
Biomechanics is the theory that a performer's body should be machine like and emotion could be represented externally. It was developed by Russian practitioner Vsevold Meyerhold, and is one of the departures from realism.