Twisted their ankle in the middle of the GalerĂa Mall?
Alexis Vardiman
Married the same person twice?
Gabrielle Kelley
Twisted their ankle ON THE WAY to play in softball game... they are so uncoordinated, sports injuries start in the parking lot?
Sara Jacob-Davis
Most embarrassing moment was when they mispronounced cacophony wrong in front of a group of friends and they were forced to repeat it 3 separate times before the friends finally said how to pronounce it right?
Aurillya Rolfe
On their last trip, spent most of the day with something stuck in their front teeth. They took videos, pictures and found out when they shared them with everyone? Of course!
Marjorie Cockcroft
Gets embarrassed when they think someone is waving at them when they are not, and wave back...?
Sue Chang
During a college semester, they went to the right class on the wrong floor and attended the wrong history class for three weeks?
Meaghan Gardena
Fell off a treadmill at the college athletic center. While lying flat on their back, dazed, someone came up and said, "excuse me, are you done with that machine?"
Katie Russo
Was disciplined in front of their church congregation? Some still remember...
Jason Adams
During high school graduation, their heel got caught on the stairs before walking across the stage walked on tippy-toes on the foot without the shoe?
Farah Veerjee
Working at a restaurant as a waiter, tripped over a customer's chair with a whole tray of dinner?
Brad Norris
During a go-kart date, a go-kart ran over their heel and broke it. They had to wear their date's shoes all the way to Walmart to buy a new pair of shoes while the date wore socks?
Rolanda Coleman
Was asked to sing the National Anthem at a large event for the State Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service and forgot the words about halfway through?
David Sweeney
Was a 5th grade Peewee cheerleader, did a cartwheel for the half-time show and realized they forgot to put on bloomers. They had blue hearts on their underpants, so most of the students called them Blue Hearts the rest of the year?
Leslie Woodruff
At 4 or 5yrs old their younger brother decided it would be funny to "pants" the middle of the grocery store checkout line?
Megan Rockwood
Love triangle scandal! Did not know two siblings were interested in them, the siblings did not know they were interested in the same person until a lovey family dinner where all three sat at the table together with the parents' asking questions?
Anne McClelon
On a school field trip in 5th or 6th grade, this person used the bathroom on the bus and walked all the way back to their seat with toilet paper on their shoe?
Corrie Rasz
In 5th grade, playing tag with friends, took off running full speed and ran right into a tree. While lying flat on their back, their crush ran over and said, " Wow are you ok? You hit that tree really hard!
Nina Barbosa
Was asked by their high school biology teacher how a man and woman with brown eyes could have a blue-eyed kid, and they confidently said, "Obviously she's cheating on him" when the correct answer was recessive genes?
Autumn Knight
Confused the refrigerator for the bathroom? - Yes, it's what you think!
Oscar Macias
Was on their way to lunch downtown on a windy day and the clip in ponytail blew completely off their head. It was gone with the wind?
Tristine Thomas
Laughed so hard, their bottom teeth fell out?
Unknowingly drove with their cat on the roof of their car while driving 45mph on a local road? Poor kitty was clinging on for dear life!
Lisa Spivey