A baby frog is called this
What is a Tadpole
Formula for water
What is H2O
WWW meaning
What is the world wide web
The largest star in our solar system
What is the sun
I eat both plants and meat
What is an omnivore
71 percent of the earth is covered in this
What is water?
Best-selling video game ever as of 2023
What is Minecraft
The closest planet to the sun
What is Mercury
Animals that are active during the night
What is nocturnal
A scientist who studies rocks
What is a geologist
The Red Planet
What is Mars
Process in which caterpillars turn into butterflies
Largest organ in the human body
What is the skin
Type of animal to first be in orbit
What is a dog
The biggest lizard on Earth
What is the komododragon?
Number of bones in the Human body
What is 206
A simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world
The center of the Milky Way Galaxy
What is a Black Hole