Fictional fire breathing, winged creature.
A dragon
The current mascot of Pokémon
Is Pikachu
free point
True or False
Chocolate is safe for cats, but not dogs
( Chocolate contains caffeine and an ingredient called theobromine, both of which are dangerous to cats )
The name of a dragon with two back legs, and wings
Is a wyvern
What boss in Minecraft can be summoned by the player
The Wither
Does cold or hot water boil faster
Warmer water boils faster than cold water, and it's a myth to say that cold water boils faster.
A group of crows is called
A murder of crows.
What is the largest spider species
The goliath birdeater spider.
Name of the yellow bird from Peanuts
What is the giant snake in Harry Potter called?
( Chamber of secrets )
The Basilisk
The condition in which an extra finger or toe is present on the hand or foot
Is polydactylism
What is the largest living shark species
Whale sharks
Did the color orange come first or the fruit
The fruit "orange" came first.
The three starter Pokémon in Pokémon Sword and Shield
Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble
What day is Pokémon day on
Feb. 27
What language is this
( 한국인 )
Type of ant which have specialized workers that consume large amounts of food to the point that their abdomens swell enormously
Honeypot ant
The fear of long words
What is the speed velocity of an unladen swallow
Roughly 24 miles per hour, or 11 meters per second.
What bird is able to copy both natural and mechanical sounds
( such as other birds, chainsaws, car engines and a dog barking )
The Lyrebird