To what relations was Paul to Timotheus?
Our Brother
Where did the Colossians heard about the hope that is laid up for them in heaven?
In the Word of Truth of the Gospel
Why did Paul wanted the Colossians to be filled with knowledge of God's will in all wisdom adn spiritual understanding?
That they may walk worthy of the Lord
To Whom was the Colossians written?
Saints & Faithful brethren in Christ at Colosse
What came unto the Colossians as it did in all the world?
The word of truth of the gospel
What must the Colossians be fruitful in?
Every good work
How did Paul greet the church at Colosse?
Grace and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
Who was a faithful minister of Christ to the Colossians?
What has God delivered us from?
What did Paul and his companion heard about the saints of Colosse?
Their faith in Christ and love for all the saints
Who declared the the Colossians love in the Spirit to Paul?
What is laid up for the Colossians in Heaven?
What has Paul and fellow laborers not cease to do for the Colossians since they heard about their love in the Spirit?