What is one of the most frequently diagnosed nematodes in young puppies and kittens.
Toxocara canis
What causes otitis externa in dogs, cats, and ferrets?
Otodectes cynotis
Most ticks do not tolerate what?
direct sunlight, dryness, or excessive rainfall.
What test should be done if a minimal stool sample is provided
fecal smeaer
Adult nematode with a thin cranial end and the thick caudal end?
What is is the most common sucking louse in dogs?
Linognathus setosus
What is the term describing the development of fly larvae in the tissues or organs of a vertebrate host.
What is the ova of which superfamily can be characterized by a thin wall, oval/elipsoid shape and containing a varying number of cells
This parasite causes demodectic mange during time of immunodeficiency
Where does Ancylostoma caninum migrate to?
dog’s small intestine
What type of fly is likely implicated in a patient with symptoms that include hairless ear tips and bloody crusts on the ears?
Stomoxys calcitrans
What two-winged flies does both the adult male and female feed on vertebrate blood?
Stable flies
Which stage is the infective stage?
3rd larval stage
What is anatomically the largest blood-feeding dipteran species.
Tabanus sp.
What kind of sample will you find the diagnostic stage of nematodes?
feces, blood, sputum and/or urine
What is the flea most likely to be found on a dog.
Ctenocephalides felis
What are female nematodes retain their eggs within their uterus and incubate them, and then give birth to live larvae.
What is a laterally compressed, wingless insects.
Adults of the canine heartworm are found in what part of the heart
right ventricle of the heart
Ctenocephalides felis is the intermediate host for which of the following nematodes of dogs?
Acanthocheilonema reconditum
Which tick that can cause tick paralysis
Dermacentor occidentalis
Scientific name for feline hookworm
Ancylostoma tubaeformis
What do soft ticks lack?
Fluke ova can be recovered using which method of fecal testing?
Fecal sedimentation