A possible explanation for an observation that can be tested.
This invention by the Wright brothers made human flight possible
Drinking milk helps strengthen bones because it contains this mineral.
In which century does science literacy in the digital age belong?
This "three R" phrase reminds people how to reduce waste.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
The process of carefully watching and noting phenomena as they occur
This inventor created the phonograph and contributed to the development of electric lighting.
Thomas Edison
This process keeps food fresh longer by slowing down bacterial growth in the cold.
What Century is the Rise of Science Education?
This renewable energy source comes from the sun.
Solar Energy
A hypothesis must be this, meaning it can be proven true or false through testing.
This invention revolutionized communication in the 20th century by allowing people to send instant messages electronically.
A rainbow appears when light is bent and split into colors, a process called this.
At what age was science largely influenced by religion and preserved in Islamic and medieval European institutions?
Middle Ages
The rising temperature of Earth’s atmosphere due to human activity is known as this.
Global Warming
A logical explanation based on observations, often used before experimentation.
She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and discovered radioactivity.
Marie Curie
The seatbelt in a car protects passengers by using this law of motion.
Newton’s First Law (inertia)
On what period did greek philosophers like Aristotle and Plato introduced logical reasoning and early scientific thought?
Classical Period
This energy source, generated by heat from inside the Earth, is used in places like Iceland.
Geothermal Energy
The part of the experiment that stays the same to ensure a fair test.
controlled variables
He invented the first successful polio vaccine.
Jonas Salk?
Your body sweats to maintain this constant internal condition.
In this year, the first man landed on the Moon.
1969 (within 5 years)
This type of energy comes from organic material like food waste and wood.
Biomass Energy