I eat carrots and am of white colour.I usually hop really low.
I suck up anything near to me.I am a little far away from the solar system.All asteroids and comets hate me.
Black hole/ white hole
I help you find something and tell you what is wrong.I wear different uniforms at different countrie. I can be found everywhere
I am yellow. The moon is sometimes the same shape as me.
I start with r and end with A.I am a 4 letter word.I rhyme with Sia.
I am almost as equal as a lion.I am of the colour orange and black.
I orbit a planet.I can be more than one.You can see me in different shapes.
I make sure you are healthy and give you medicine.I have a helper you might call her sister
I can be green or red.I am a very common fruit many kids may know me.
I am a name from a cartoon.many kids might watch me.I start from s and end at b.i am a 9 letter word
I am very common. I am a domestic animal. You may have me as a pet.I start with c
I am a planet but do not have an orbit.I was in the solar system when your parents were younger. I start with p.
I come at your home if you hire me.I help you out with tidiness of anything you see.
I can sometimes be sour mostly sweet. You can drink me after taking out my juice
I am a name of a movie. I am common in Christmas. I have a funny goner.I start with H.
Home alone
I am in the colour yellow.I am a 4 letter word.I have a beak. I can live in water and land.
I am one of the thousand stars.I always stay on the north side. I have 2 words in my name.
North Star
My job is not on planet earth. I wear a special outfit and helmet.
I am brown outside and green inside. I have many seeds. My skin is rough.
I am a princess from Encanto. My power is very beautiful. Mirable hates me.i am of 6 or 7 letters
I sleep in the day and fly at night. I have no feathers.I am mostly black in colour.
I have a lot of things inside me. I am a 6 letter word.I start with the letter G
I am a type of doctor. My patients are often hairy and they communicate without words
I am small and red. I am sweet and sour. My seed is inside me. I grow on trees.
I was once alive. My opposite are dragons. There are many ways I got extinct