This type of biodiversity measures the variety of versions of same genes within individual species.
Genetic diversity
Eliminations of a species
What is the biggest extinction threat to most species?
Law passed in 1973 that protects biodiversity
Endangered Species Act
State Capital of North Dakota
This is one of the regions that contains a biodiversity hotspot
South America, Mediterranean coasts, Africa or Southeast Asia
These are organisms that thrive in new territory where they are free of predators, disease or resource limitations
Invasive species
What happens to biodiversity as habitat fragmentation occurs?
What does the O in the acronym HIPPO stand for?
What is the name of the scale used to measure the spiciness of peppers?
Scoville scale
This type of diversity describes number of different kinds of organisms within an ecosystem.
Species diversity
This involves taking more individuals than reproduction can replace.
A zebra mussel is an example of this type of species (that was discussed in class)
Invasive Species
About how many species are listed on the IUCN list?
In which year did WW1 begin?
This type of diversity includes including the number of niches, trophic levels, and ecological processes that capture energy, sustain food webs, and recycle materials within this system.
ecological diversity
These species especially interesting or attractive organisms to which people react emotionally.
Flagship species
What does the first P in HIPPO stand for?
Collaboration with this group of people is key when protecting species
â…” of these animal exist on privately owned lands
What year was the first iPhone released?
Half of all known species are made up of __________________ and __________________
Insects and invertebrates
This species is one whose elimination would affect many other members of the biological community.
Keystone species
What type of bird was eliminated from North America due to overharvesting and resource destruction?
Passenger Pigeon
What does IUCN stand for?
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
What is the largest mammal in the world?
Blue whale