Are you able to assist individuals and groups in resolving conflicts, improving relationships, and coping with life's challenges?
How many hours do you need to conduct in the field?
80 Hours - Active Client Engagement
How many Hours do you need to acquire in the field?
100 Hours - Active Client Engagement
What percentage of Part 1 is dedicated to WIL?
40 %
Are you allowed to go into the field and commence Part 2, if you have failed Part 1?
How many individual Sessions are you allowed to have?
4 Individual - 6 sessions with approval of your supervisor
Are you allowed to conduct Containment or Debriefing Sessions as a Diploma Student?
Containment Sessions
Containment Session: Focuses on providing emotional support and helping clients manage overwhelming feelings, especially after difficult experiences. Its goal is to ensure emotional regulation.
Are you allowed to diagnose mental health challenges?
NO - Only allowed to identify the symptoms and refer accordingly.
How many workshops must Diploma and Degree students attend for WIL Part 1?
Diploma - 8 Workshops
Degree - 10 Workshops
How many weeks do you have to attain your hours?
10 Weeks - a full term
How do you assist individuals in finding their strengths and resilience to facilitate general wellness and create positive change?
Conducting: Individual sessions, Support groups, Workshops, Group sessions, Community Initiatives/Projects/Drives
Can you conduct Group Counselling Sessions?
Are you allowed to conduct Containment or Debriefing Sessions as a Degree Student?
Debriefing Session
Debriefing Session: Aimed at reflecting on and exploring specific experiences to discuss a traumatic/challenging experience. It focuses on supporting and helping the client understand their feelings, gain insights, and develop coping strategies for the challenges that arose.
Does Part one require a written assessment?
No - Only group presentation
What is the pass mark for WIL?
Do you conduct Long-term or Short-term support to individuals, groups or communities?
Will you be receiving both Individual and Group Supervision Sessions during WIL Part 2?
Only Group Supervision
What do you do when working with a client with severe symptoms of depression?
REFER to Psychologist
Is it important for students to be aware of their triggers in Part 1 before starting Part 2?
Will you be placed at a Psychiatric hospital?
What Professional Body regulates your boundaries of competence during WIL?
ASCHP - Association for Supportive Counsellors and Holistic Practitioners, only regulates your practice once you have registered with them after completing WIL and your qualification.
When working with a client with basic feelings of being overwhelmed and stress, do you need to refer?
No, Diploma can work with basic mental health concerns
When identifying a client with severe experiences of trauma in the first session, do you contain the client?
Yes contain the client, but refer the client immediately at the end of the session.
Degree students are only allowed to work with mild cases of mental health challenges
When is your class presentation DUE?
16 May 2025
What will cause a fail of WIL?
- Less than 60%
- Not attending all Supervision sessions
- Not reaching hours within timeframe
- Acting in contravention of the Student Code of Conduct