What is the Language they speak in Oceania
What is Julia and Winston relationship
Secret lovers
What people do Winston believe can take down the party
The proles
Finish the word
You are my
How does Winston show free will
By rebelling against the party
What do Winston and Julia do to rebel
They start a love affair
Who is Big Brother
O’ Brien
When is LeBron birthday
A journal
What did Julia and Winston promise to do when they got taken to the Ministry of Love
to not betray each other
What is room 101
A room that has people’s worst fears
What is LeBron career high in points in one game
What did Winston write in the journal
His thoughts and Feelings
Where did they first meet
They meet in the Ministry of Truth
What do the people who work in the Ministry of Truth do to make Big Brother always seem right
Erase the past/ Rewrite history
What is the name of his 3 kids
Bronny, Bryce, and Zhuri
Why did Winston say he loved Big Brother
Because he was tortured so much that he broke down mentally
Where did they get caught
They got caught in the room above Mr. Charrington’s shop
Why did they Torture people who rebelled
Because they want total control over everyone’s mind and thoughts
What teams did he beat in the final to get his four rings