A body part or behavior that helps an animal survive
An animal that hunts other animals for food
What is a predator?
Animals that are hunted by other animals
What is prey?
The natural HOME of an animal
All things an organism needs to survive
What is basic needs?
Any behavior that an animal starts its life knowing
What is instincts?
The movement of an animal from one place to another and back
What is migration?
An example of an animal that migrates
What is birds?
The 2 main types of adaptations are...
What are physical and behavioral?
Beaks, tails, teeth, thick fur, shells are all examples of ....
Hibernation, migration, camouflage are all examples of...
What is behavioral adaptations?
The winter sleep that some animals take is called....
What is hibernation?
An animal's natural surroundings is called...
What is environment?
A skunks spray is an example of a:
What is a physical adaptation?
What are 4 basic needs of all animals
When an animal is able to blend in to its surroundings...
What is camouflage?
Behaviors that animals learn how to do over time are called:
What are learned behaviors?
Name 2 things that may cause a species to become endangered
What are hunters and deforestation
Why would an animal need sharp teeth?
What is to eat meat?
Name 2 ways an animal adapts to stay alive during the winter months?
What is hibernation and migration?
What do some animals do to be able to survive during hibernation?
What is: Storing/building up food during warm months, having thick fur, body activity slows down...?
Give an example of an animal that uses camouflauge
What is a chameleon?
Explain the difference between physical and behavioral adaptations.
What is.. physical adaptations are things on an animal's body that it can use to survive. A behavioral adaptation is a behavior or something an animal does to survive.
Explain the difference between instincts and learned behaviors
What is.. learned behaviors are things that an animal learns how to do over time. Instincts are behaviors an animal knows how to do from birth.
Beavers building a dam is an example of...
What is a behavioral adaptation?